Each year SBCERS’ independent actuary completes an actuarial valuation, which is presented to the Board of Retirement. The actuarial valuation measures the current and projected assets and liabilities of the retirement system as well as the system’s funded status. Based on the results the Board of Retirement adopts new member and employer contribution rates for all plan sponsors for the upcoming fiscal year.
Current - 2021
Triennial Experience Studies
2020 - 2011
Actuarial Valuations
OPEB Valuations
- Actuarial Valuation of Other Post-Employment Benefits – as of 6/30/20
- Actuarial Valuation of Other Post-Employment Benefits – as of 6/30/19
- Actuarial Valuation of Other Post-Employment Benefits – as of 6/30/18
- Actuarial Valuation of Other Post-Employment Benefits – as of 6/30/17
- Actuarial Valuation of Other Post-Employment Benefits – as of 6/30/16
- Actuarial Valuation of Other Post-Employment Benefits – as of 6/30/14
- Actuarial Valuation of Other Post-Employment Benefits – as of 6/30/12
Triennial Experience Studies
2010 - 2001
Actuarial Valuations
- Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/10
- Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/09
- Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/08
- Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/07 (Revision)
- Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/06
- Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/05
- Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/04
- Actuarial Valuation as of 6/30/03
- Actuarial Valuation as of 12/31/02
- Actuarial Valuation as of 12/31/01